Selasa, 17 Februari 2009

Al-Qur'an AS IN Defenders Hereafter

Abu Umamah r.a. said: "Rasulullah SAW has been suggested that we all learn the Al-Qur'an, the Prophet SAW after letting excess of Al-Qur'an."
Rasulullah SAW has said: Study you will be Al-Qur'an, in the Hereafter he will later come to the expert-expert, which is when the very people in need. "
He will come in the form of a beautiful seindah-and he said, "Kenalkah you to me?" So the people will read the reply: "Who are you?"

Then said Al-Qur'an: "I am that you love and you sanjung, and has also been up for the night and you can never membacaku in the afternoon."
Then said the people read Al-Qur'an is: "Are you al-Qur'an?" Then Al-Qur'an recognizes and lead the people to Allah SWT mengadap Then the person is given a kingdom in the hands of the right and left hands in the eternal, and he placed the crown on his head.
Ayanh on both his mother and also the Muslims were given jewelry that can not be exchanged with the world even if it doubled, so they ask: "Where did we acquire all this, the charity that we are not up to this?"

Then reply: "You are given all this because you have children learn the al-Qur'an."

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